zondag 15 december 2013

Oat chocolate chip cookies

Hello readers! I hope you have a great sunday!
This week I made chocolate chip cookies and they tasted good for healthy food :D
There's always a difference of the normal food, cause I don't use sugar in my recipes.. If you're used to eat loads of sugar you're missing that in my recipes.. But I promise  you that you'll like these :D

What's in it?
-25 gr. Coconut oil
-50 gr. Oats
-20 gr. Coconut flour
-1 egg
-Splash of almond milk (or any other soymilk)
-10 drops butter vanilla
-15 gr. 86% pure chocolate
-1/2 scoop vanilla whey protein

What to do?
Well I just see I forgot to write this down, so I hope I'll tell you the right thing :D
preheat your oven at 175C
Just blend everything together except the chocolate. Make 4-6 cookies out of them and put them on baking paper, put the chocolate pieces on top and put them in the oven for 10-15 minutes.. Watch them so they won't burn!

Voor de Nederlandse lezers (For the Dutch readers)

Wat zit er in?
-25 gr. kokos olie
-50 gr. havervlokken
-20 gr. kokosmeel
-1 ei
-Amandel melk
-10 druppels 'vanille boter'
-15 gr. 86% pure chocolade
-1/2 schep vanille whey

Wat moet je doen?
Toen ik de koekjes aan het maken was heb ik blijkbaar niet opgeschreven hoe lang ze in de oven moeten en hoe hoog de temperatuur moet zijn... Ik hoop dus dat ik jullie nu goede informatie geef :D
Verwarm de oven op 175 graden
Mix alles door elkaar behalve de chocolade. De kokosolie laat ik altijd even smelten voor dat ik hem mix. Maak er 4-6 koekjes van en leg ze op bakpapier. Strooi de chocolade er bovenop en stop ze in de oven. Bak ze 10-15 minuten, maar hou ze in de gaten dat ze niet verbranden!!



zondag 8 december 2013

Chocolate peanutbutter cups

Look at this little piece of heaven!!! It tasted great and there filled with healthy ingredients!

What's in it?
-1 pure chocolate bar (86%)
-1 tsp almond butter
-1 tsp cashew butter
-5 walnuts

This makes 3-4 servings

240 kcal a piece

What to do?
Melt the chocolate bar (au bain-marie)
Take a small baking thin (ones you use to make cup cakes) and make a bottom of chocolate. Put it in the freezer for 10 minutes. Mix the almond butter and cashew butter together. Take them out of the freezer and put a the mix of cashew and almond butter in the middle of the form. Than pour the rest of the chocolate on them... Break the walnuts in little pieces and put them on top! Put them in the fridge for 2 hours.. Try to resist them :D
Very easy and sooooooooooooooooo tasty!!!



woensdag 4 december 2013

Workout routine for today! Chest, biceps and cardio.. 4-12-2013

Hello readers!
How are you all today? Well I can say that I feel great!
I had some great workout this morning.. My workout buddy overslept so I had to workout alone.. :P

Lately I get messages from people that there making my recipes! I love to hear that!! If you've tried some of them just let me know! You know you can also find me on instagram : _love2bfit_

Workout routine for today:

8 reps, 4 sets
-High cable press
-Chest press
-Incline dumbbell press
-Push ups

8 reps, 4 sets
-Alternating cable curl
-Preacher curl
-Barbell curl
-Hammer curl

30 minute interval training on treadmill
10 minutes interval training on cross trainer

I know this is not your typical girl schedule, but girls.. Lifting doesn't make you look like a man!!!
It's so good to do strenght training! Please give it a try..
Let me know if you need a schedule!


dinsdag 3 december 2013

Vanilla oatmeal with chocolate spelt flakes and strawberries!

This was my lunch for today, but oatmeal is more a breakfast.. I just craved for oats, haha!
I had lunch at work and because I work at the gym it's always cold.. Airco, I know if you workout it's great, but if you don't it's cold!! So I like a warm lunch!

What's in it?
-250ml almond milk
-25 gr. rolled oats
-1 scoop vanilla protein (whey)
-Crunchy, chocolate spelt flakes

What to do?
Guess what!! It's super easy!! (I like easy recipes, cause I don't have much time)
Heat the almond milk till it boils, than you add the oats... Let it cook for one minute, than you let it cool off. Mix the vanilla protein with the oats, put the crunchy spelt flakes with the strawberries on top!




zondag 1 december 2013

Clean and healthy banana bread!

did some Sunday baking!! Today I made this great tasting banana bread!
Very easy to make and I think your gonna love it! It's full of protein!

Yesterday I spend the day with my boyfriend.. We went to the movie (The Hungergames 2) I have to say it, it was a great movie! But I also ate some popcorn... After that we went to a restaurant and I can tell you.. I didn't eat clean at all!! :D Haha, nobody is perfect! Sometimes I just need cheat days or cheat meals.. I love all the unhealthy food, but I just don't want to eat it. But sometimes I just can't control myself.. So today I'm having a juice day. I only ate a slice of my banana bread,  I just HAD to taste it!! :D :D

What's in it?
-3 scoops of vanilla whey protein
-1 1/2 banana
-25 gr. oats
-10 gr. spelt flour
-140 gr. Greek yoghurt
-80gr. cottage cheese
-10gr. coconut oil
-1 1/2 tsp baking soda
-cinnamon to taste

What to do?
Prehead your oven at 160C
Mix all the ingredients in to one big bowl and put them in to a cake form..
Put some banana and walnuts on top.
Put it in the oven for 30 minutes... And let it cool off...



Why you all should deadlift! :D

The famous Deadlift is just a great exercise!
Deadlifts are by far one of the best exercises for producing overall strenght. But even more than that, they can even help you improve your physical appearance too.
One main benefit of deadlift is that it helps you develop core strength that is derived from building the core muscles of the body. A muscle which makes up your central muscle in located in the lower and upper back, in your buttocks, your hips as well as in the abdominals. All these muscles work if you do deadlifts. Possessing a firm core is very essential for keeping a healthy stance and getting rid of back pains.
To do a deadlift, the main mover group of muscles is your spine erector found in the lower back. On the other hand, deadlifts do need to utilize some of your stabilizer muscles. The combination of these groups of muscle enables you to raise heavier weights compared to other kinds of workouts. Lifting weights will improve your general muscle weight that is the first factor which determines the strength of a person.
Since this workout is a big compound motion which starts from a dead stop stance, it is truly efficient in enhancing overall explosiveness. Deadlift exercise also helps enhance the overall stance and avoid injuries.  Through strengthening abdominals and lower back, deadlift can naturally enhance the placing of the spine. Your lower back is in a position which is vulnerable to damage, mainly because of poor posture as well as excessive slouching all through the day.
Lots of people thing you'll get injuries from doing a deadlift but it just prevent it!

donderdag 28 november 2013

Gezondere variant van de kruidnoot!

Jammie!! Als er iets lekker is in December dan zijn het wel de kruidnootjes... En daar kunnen we wel zakken van op... Helaas zijn ze niet zo heel goed voor je en zitten ze vol ongezonde vetten, smaakversterkers en suiker.. Dus hier de oplossing! De 'gezondere kruidnoot'!

Wat heb je nodig?
-300 gr. speltmeel
-50gr. honing
-50 gr. appel stroop
-90 gr. kokos olie
-3 theelepels speculaas kruiden
-snufje zout
-1 theelepels vanille extract.
-5 eetlepels amandel melk

Als je niet teveel van het beslag snoept krijg je ongeveer 500 gram kruidnoten.

Nog een voordeel, omdat ze niet vol zitten met smaakversterkers eet je ze niet in 1 keer op! Na een paar zit je gewoon vol :D

Wat moet je doen?
Verwarm de oven op 160 C
Gooi de meel, honing, stroop, speculaas kruiden, vanille en zout in een kom. Laat de kokos olie een beetje smelten en voeg het toe aan de rest van de ingredienten. Kneed het goed door elkaar en voeg elke keer een lepel amandel melk toe...
Vervolgens maak je er kleine balletjes van die je een beetje plat drukt en je legt ze op een vel bakpapier. Vervolgens stop je ze in de oven! Ze hebben zo'n 15 minuutjes nodig, hou ze wel goed in de gaten!


Vanilla Chia Pudding with strawberries

Goodmorning!! I just had this great looking and great tasting breakfast!!! This was just a great start of my day.... I think it's important to start the day with a good breakfast. Not only for you metabolism and that kind of stuff, but also for your own mood! This breakfast gives you a happy feeling cause it looks and taste so good :D

What's in it?
-2 tbsp Chia seeds
-1 cup Almond milk
-1/2 scoop vanilla protein (Whey)
-150 gr. low fat quark
-Couple of strawberries
-Spelt chocolate crunch (For the Dutchies, I used Zonnatura)

What to do?
Mix the Chia seeds with the Almond milk and the whey vanilla. Put it in the fridge for 10 minutes, than mix it again.. Put it back in the fridge and let it stay there for a whole night!
Next morning: Put it out of the fridge and put a layer of low fat quark on it, than a layer of strawberries and then the quark again. Top it with the Spelt crunch and strawberries!



zaterdag 23 november 2013

Cookie dough protein balls

I'm spending the half of my free Saturday in the kitchen.. I'm trying all kinds of recipes.. One better than the other.. I loved these little protein snacks! Tomorrow I'm going to the Les Mills mega quarterly, so I need some small snacks! Very easy to make and no baking!

What's in it?
-30 gr. Vanilla protein
-10 gr. Honey
-30 gr. Coconut flour
-25gr. Peanut butter ( I used cashew)
-1 egg white
-10gr. Dark chocolate chips
-30 ml. almond milk

What to do?
This is gonna be really difficult... Just kidding :D Just mix all the things together and roll them in to 10 balls and put them in the fridge for a couple of hours... Done!!



zondag 17 november 2013

Simple vegetarian tomato soup recipe

I made this tasty tomato soup yesterday.. And I can tell you, it was great!

What's in it?
-750gr. tomatoes
-1 small onion
-1,5 table spoon olive oil
-1 carrot
-tomato paste
-2 bouillon tablets
-little bit of thyme
-little bit of parsley

What to do?
Cut out the hard part of the tomato, cut the onion and the carrot. Put the bouillon tablets in hot water.
Put the olive oil in a big soup pan. Put in the carrot, onion and the tomato paste. Let it bake for a couple of minutes. Put in the tomatoes and the hot water with the bouillon tables and mix it together. You can also put al the spices in it now! Let it cook for 10 minutes till the tomatoes fall apart.. Then you mix it with a hand blender. Let it cook for a couple of minutes and then you can eat it!


What are supersets??

In the gym I hear a lot of people talk about supersets, but they al mean different things...
So I'm gonna tell you what supersets are so there will be no confusion about it anymore :D

What's a superset?
With a superset you do two exercises without stopping. You don't take rest between those exercises.
It's a pair of exercises that exist out of two antagonistic muscles.
For example: First you train your biceps after that you train your triceps. Without rest!!

Workout example.

-Barbell curl: 4 sets, 10 10 8 6, superset with:
-Tricep extension: 4 sets, 10 10 8 6

-Dumbbell row: 4 sets, 10 10 8 6, superset with:
-Chest press: 4 sets, 10 10 8 6.

-Leg extension: 4 sets, 10 10 8 6, superset with:
-Leg curl: 4 sets, 10 10 8 6.

Of course you can make a lot of combinations, this is just an example.. I hope you all understand what supersets are... If you never tried it, just do it! It burns a lot of calories, cause it keeps your hearth rate high!


woensdag 13 november 2013

13-11-2013 Just another blog!

Hello fitness and health freaks! How are you all today?
I'm sitting on the couch with a nice cup of tea watching some tv..
On Wednesday I Always have to work from 16:00 till 22:00, so I'm gonna do my meal prep after I finished my blog.. It's gonna be chicken, rice and veggies.. Clean as it can be :D
I did my workout early in the morning.. For the ones who want to know what I did.. Well.. this was my workout:

4 sets, 8 reps Max weight!
-Cable cross over
-Chest press
-Incline dumbbell press
-Peck deck

-One arm cable curl
-Barbell curl
-Preacher curl
-Concentration curl

10 minutes crosstrainer, interval training!
10 minutes treadmill, interval training!
1000m rowing


dinsdag 12 november 2013

Best exercises to burn fat and lose weight!!

I made a list of exercises that are great for fat loss! You can find all the perfect forms on Youtube.. Make sure you check them before you try any of them or ask your trainer! From is alway's important!!

-Dumbbell/kettlebell swing
Muscle groups: shoulders, abs, quats, hamstrings and glutes

-Barbell squat
Muscle groups: Glutes, hamstring, quats, back, abs

Muscle groups: Full body exercise, legs, abs, back, chest, shoulder

-BOSU ball shoulder press
Muscle groups: shoulders and your whole core to stabilise.

-Dumbbell curl and press
Muscle groups: Biceps, shoulders

Muscle groups: chest and triceps

-Lower abs trifecta
Muscle groups: Ab combo workout!

-Dumbbell renegade row
Muscle group: Back, abs arms

-Bulgarian split squat
Muscle groups: Glutes, hamstrings, quats

-Goblet squat and press
Muscle groups: Glutes, hamstrings, quats, abs, shoulders

Just try to mix this exercises in your workout routine!


zondag 10 november 2013

Fat burning foods

We all want to lose weight.. Don't we? Well these foods can help you a bit. They won't do miracles on you but everything that helps in our weightloss journey is welcome!

-Almonds and other nuts
(build muscle and reduce cravings)

(build muscle, burn fat)

-Turkey and chicken
(Build muscle, strengthen immune system)

(prevent cravings)
-Fatty fish
(Trigger fullness, fire up fat burning)

 (Lowers insulin, regulates blood sugar and metabolism)

-Green tea
(Fires up fat burning)
-Chili pepper
(Spikes metabolism)

-Spinach and green vegetables
(Fight free radicals and improve recovery for better muscle building)

-Whole grains
(Small doses prevent body from storing fat)

-Beans and legumes
(Build muscle, help burn fat, regulate digestion)

(Builds muscle, burns fat)

(burns fat, boost your metabolism)

-Chia seeds
(suppress the appetite, fire up the metabolism)


Oatmeal, protein and fruit breakfast!

Maybe I told it before, but I don't like oatmeal... Well... the normal recipe.. With water or just milk.
So I made something different of it! It tasted just great!!

What's in it?
-200 ml Unsweetend almond milk
-5 table spoons oats
-1 scoop vanilla whey protein

What to do?
Let the milk cook and mix the oats in it..Also mix the cinnamon in it. Let it cook for one minute and than let it rest and let it cool off.. Mix the vanilla protein in it/ Cut the strawberries in small pieces and mix the berries and strawberries with the oats!

Enjoy ~Judith!

After workout protein, fruit and veggie smoothie!

After your workout it's best for you if you take some protein.. Well... I hate protein shakes with water or only milk.. So I mix it up with some fruit and veggies! I don't the color doesn't look very great, but the taste is!!

What's in it?
-1 Banana
-2 hands spinach
-2 cupped hands strawberries
-1 Cupped hand frozen berries
-Splash of unsweetend soya milk
-One scoop vanilla whey protein

Makes 2 servings
+/- 75cal

What to do??
Just blend it all, sit down and enjoy!


woensdag 6 november 2013

Pomegranate snack

I just finished my workout for today and now  I'm gonna enjoy this nice snack..

Very simple snack:
-1/2 pomegranate
-handfull bleuberries
-chia seeds
-200gr. low fat quark

Only 150 cal

Enjoy! ~Judith!

zondag 3 november 2013

Vanilla, cherry sunday pancakes

Oh, this was a great start of my Sunday! I just had the best pancakes I ever made :D

What's in it?
-20gr. whole weat flour
-1 spoon baking powder
-10gr. coconutflour
-80ml. almond milk
-1 egg white
-one spoon jam cherrie
-2 spoons low fat quark
-2/3 cup vanilla whey protein
-tea spoon vanilla extract
-Couple of Goji berries
- Pure chocolate shavings

400kcal of clean eating!

What to do?
Mix the whole weat flour, baking powder, coconut flour, almond milk, egg white and whey protein for the batter.
Make around 4 pancakes.
Topping: mix the quark with the jam and put it between the pancakes and on top. On top of the pancakes you put the goji berries and the chocolate..

Enjoy!!! Warning: Extremely filling!!


zaterdag 2 november 2013

Super food: Goji berries

Everybody is talking about it, super foods... There are a lot of super foods, now I'm gonna tell you about the Goji berries.

Goji berries have a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine for the following conditions:
  • help eyesight
  • improve sexual function and fertility
  • strengthen the legs
  • boost immune function
  • improve circulation
  • promote longevity 
  • protect the liver

  • But they do even more!
  •  It works antiphlogistic
  • Reduces stress
  • It's better for your bloodpressure
  • Makes the heart stronger
  • It will boost your motabolism
  • It helps when you have insomnia

  • Well, I think this said enough! It's a real super food and they also taste great!
    You can consume them in different way's... Use them for salad, a smoothie, eat as snack or you can even make tea of them!

    Just eat one handpalm Goji berries a day and you'll notice the benifits!


    donderdag 31 oktober 2013

    Fruit and spinach smoothie

    I just made this great smoothie! You just have to try it!!
    What's in it?
    -1 pear
    -3/4 banana
    -10 strawberries
    -1 handfull of spinach
    -0,5 scoop vanilla protein
    -1 spoon low fat quark
    -splash of almond milk
    What to do?
    Just blend it all and enjoy!!!

    woensdag 30 oktober 2013

    Workout 30-10-2013

    It's alway's nice to share workouts :D
    My workout for today:
    Twisted biceps curl, 10 reps, 4 sets: 8kg
    Barbell curl, 10 reps, 4 sets: 15kg
    One arm cable curl, 10 reps 4 sets: 6 kg
    Push ups: 4 sets max reps
    Low cable crossover, 10 reps, 4 sets: 6,25kg
    Chest press: 10 reps, 4 sets: 27,5kg
    Machine crunch, 4 sets max reps: 45kg
    Bicycle crunch, 4 sets max reps
    Plank, 4 sets max hold
    Incline sit up, 4 sets max reps
    Cross trainer: 10 minutes interval training
    Rowing: 1000m
    Running: 10 minutes interval training
    After my workout I made a nice smoothie... To build and heal the muscels.. Looks green and like poison but it taste really great!
    Pear, vanilla protein, spinach and water!

    dinsdag 29 oktober 2013

    Why H.I.I.T??

    I'm a big fan of H.I.I.T workouts.. The're short and very intense and you'll burn loads of calories!
    High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a cardiorespiratory training technique that alternates brief speed and recovery intervals to increase the overall intensity of your workout. It's fun to mix up your workouts!

    Most endurance workouts such as walking, running, or stair-climbing are performed at a moderate intensity. High intensity workouts are done at a high/explosive intensity.. The are typically sustained for 30 seconds to 3 minutes, although they can be as short as 8-10 seconds or as long as 5 minutes; the higher the intensity, the shorter the speed interval. Recovery intervals are equal to or longer than the speed intervals. High-intensity interval training is done at a submaximal level; around 80-95% of maximal aerobic capacity.

    "One of the earliest studies, done by researchers at Laval University (Ste-Foy, Quebec, Canada), kept it basic, using two groups in a months-long experiment. One group followed a 15-week program using HIIT while the other performed only steady-state cardio for 20 weeks. Proponents of steady-state training were pleased to hear that those subjects burned 15,000 calories more than their HIIT counterparts. Those who followed the HIIT program, however, lost significantly more bodyfat. A 2001 study from East Tennessee State University (Johnson City) demonstrated similar findings with subjects who followed an eight-week HIIT program. Again, HIIT proved to be the better fat-burner–subjects dropped 2% bodyfat over the course of the experiment. Meanwhile, those who plodded through the eight weeks on a steady-state program lost no bodyfat."

    Why H.I.I.T?
    -You'll lose body fat!
    -Short workouts
    -You can do it at home or at the gym
    -You can use al kinds of exercises
    -HIIT could be the only way to train for people looking to lose fat while adding and/or preserving muscle mass.

    Example of a H.I.I.T workout:

    50 seconds work/10 seconds rest. 4 rounds.

    1.Mountain climber (50 sec)
    -10 sec rest
    2.Burpees (50 sec)
    -10 sec rest
    3.High knees (50 sec)
    -10 sec rest
    4. Skipping (50 sec)
    -10 sec rest
    5. Jump squats (50 sec)
    -10 sec rest

    Another example:

    You also can do it with sprints.

    -30 seconds sprint
    -10 seconds walk
    -30 seconds sprint
    -10 seconds walk
    And just on and on and on... :D

    It's Always a good thing to shake your workout up and try something new.. Try this and I'll bet you'll get results!


    zondag 27 oktober 2013

    Breakfast is important!!!

    As you'll all know I'm a real breakfast lover and that's a good thing! If I skip breakfast I'm feeling empty and I don't have much energy.. There a lot of benefits of eating breakfast... So never skip it again!

     There are a few reasons people don't eat breakfast in the morning such as not feeling hungry or to try and limit calories. However, skipping breakfast can lead to a number of problems when it comes to trying to lose weight and keep it off.

    Eating breakfast is a great way to get your metabolism working well for the day. When your body receives food in the morning, it tells your brain that you're going to need to start working to digest it. This wakes up the system and warms up the metabolism so it's ready to work throughout the day. When you don't eat breakfast in the morning, your body thinks that it needs to conserve the energy it has because it isn't getting any more through nutrition. This actually slows your metabolism down, which results in a decrease in the amount of calories you burn all day long.

    Not eating breakfast in the morning may save you calories for the time being, but it sets you up for failure throughout the rest of the day. This is because after not feeding your body for several hours overnight, a lack of food in the morning will leave you grumpy and hungry very early in the day

    Feeding yourself in the morning will keep your spirits up throughout the day for a number of reasons. First and foremost, since your body won't think that it's starving after a nutritious meal in the morning, it's easier to get in a good mood and stay that way. It also provides plenty of needed energy to help you get through the regular tasks of your day, which can help keep your mood bright and optimistic. A healthy meal in the morning can also help to regulate your blood sugar levels through lunch time, which plays a vital role in your mood!

    You don't eat a stack of pancakes like me in the morning, but just eat something to get that metabolism started!

    zaterdag 26 oktober 2013

    Why a workout buddy can help you!

    Sometimes it's really hard to get off your ass to go to the gym.. You prefer to stay at home, watch some tv and eat some popcorn while you watch a movie... But then your phone rings!! It's your workout buddy to kick your ass and drag you to the gym... :)
    There a lot of benefits to have a workout buddy, cause sometimes you just can't do it alone or you just need some help..

    There's a big change you'll reach your goals sooner if you workout with a friend.. If you don't want to the other one will get you so far to go to the gym! So instead of 2 times it's easier to go 3 or 4 times if you workout together!
    It's more fun to workout if you do it together!  it’s okay to have fun. In fact, the more fun your workouts are, the more you’re going to look forward to and be commited to them over the long-term.
    It's easier to try new workouts. Like they say: there’s power in numbers. When you’ve got someone else with you it’s much less intimidating to start using the gym, going to new classes, hitting the free weights or just trying out new exercise equipment.
    It's always a good thing to have some one nearby to check your form!
    When you workout with eachother it's cool to compete! Try who's faster with rowing or who can lift more...
    Your workout buddy has different skills and knowledge than you do – you can benefit from this by the different exercises they introduce you to, the correct form, new workouts and different ways of being active. Variety is one of the key components of fun, so you’re much more likely to stick to your workouts when you can do new things.

    What to look for in a workout buddy:
    -You like them :D
    -You want them to be your fitness role model
    -Find someone with a good additude
    -Share similar goals
    -Compatible schedules

    You get better results if you workout with a buddy but it's really important to have a buddy who is just as passionate about it as you! You don't want a buddy who's dragging you down in your preformance and don't want to give it a 100%.. I see a lot of examples in my gym of workout buddies where one of them is very motivated and the other one is bringing her/him down cause they don't want to workout hard.. They just want to talk or just move but not train.. And often the other one is going down with them. You also want to make sure they don’t suffer from the following: constantly make excuses, excessively egotistical, use unhealthy shortcuts (like drugs), overly competitive, obstinate, always late, bad attitude, talk more than they work out… the list goes on and on...


    Protein balls

    What do you need?
    -6 dried dates
    -1 spoon flax seeds
    -10 almonds
    -splash of almond milk
    -coconut shavings
    -chocolate protein powder..

    What you need to do:
    It's very easy.. Just mix the dates, flax seeds, almonds, milk, cacoa and protein powder in a blender.
    After that you can put them in a bowl and mix it again... If it needs to get more sticky just add some more almond milk..
    Roll them in to balls and after that you roll the balls in the coconut shaving..
    Put them in the fridge for a couple ours to get firm.

    Enjoy your snack!


    zaterdag 19 oktober 2013

    Why weight training?

    -Ashly Horner

    I know a lot of girls are afraid for weights but you need to know that weights are a girls best friend!! Yes girls, don't be such sissies and pick up those dumbells! Please let go of the 'cardio mindset' there a lot of benefits to find in weight training..

    You will lose bodyfat if you build muscle. Studies performed by Wayne Westcott, PhD, from the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachusetts, found that the average woman who strength trains two to three times a week for two months will gain nearly two pounds of muscle and will lose 3.5 pounds of fat. Muscels also increase your resting metabolism.. Every kilo of muscle will burn around 50-100 kcal extra a day! Well that's great news! Burning extra calories by sitting on you ass :D
    You'll only develop muscle tone and some definition. Women have 10-30 times less the hormone that develop hypertrofie than men. So take it easy, you won't 'bulk'!
    You will reduce your risk of diabetes.In addition, Dr. Franklin noted that weight training may improve the way the body processes sugar, which may reduce the risk of diabetes. Adult-onset diabetes is a growing problem for women and men. Research indicates that weight training can increase glucose utilization in the body by 23 percent in four months.
    You will reduce your risk of injury. Weight training will also build stronger connective tissues and increases joint stability.

    There are a lot of benifits if you hit the weights and it's a lot of fun! I just love it! I really see a lot of improvement.. I started weight training 6 months ago and I really see some muscle definition!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    donderdag 17 oktober 2013

    Simple fruit smoothie

    You're gonna love this one!! Soooooo tasty!!

    -almond milk

    Cut it up and mix it all in a blender... And.......................... You're done!



    woensdag 16 oktober 2013

    1 minute low fat quark snack

    This is a very easy snack, but it taste great!! I ate it after my workout today... To build muscle!

    -165gr. Low fat quark
    -5gr. Sunseeds
    -10gr. Blueberries

    Well, I don't have to tell you how to prepare this snack... But I do :D
    First the quark, then the seeds and put the berries on top! It's so easy and soooooooooo tasty!

    Only 123kcal!!

    Enjoy ~Judith


    dinsdag 15 oktober 2013

    Just don't buy it!

    I know this sounds to easy.. But it's true! If you don't buy crappy food you won't eat it.. Except if you run to the store to get it..

    A lot of people have a kitchen cupboard with all kinds of unhealthy food.. Candy, chips, soda..
    When you have that kind of things laying around the house there's a big change that you'll take them when you get hungry or you get cravings.. Example: it's 16:00 it's time for your snack and you're really hungry. You know it's better to prepare your food.. You can take a sandwich, fruit, quark or whatever your healthy snack is.. But if there's a lot of packed food in the house there's a big chance that's you'll take that. It's so much easier to take the wrapper of and eat it, than make your own food.. If you wouldn't buy that cake you couldn't eat it..
    I know a lot of moms think that they have to buy it for there kids, but why would you give your kids those things if you don't want to eat the yourself? You know there not good for you so why would it be good for your kids? It's oke to give them candy once in a while.. It's important to do it in moderation!
    I also have moments of weakness and race to the store for some chocolate and chips (my 2 biggest addictions) But when my moment of weakness has past and I have something left of the chocolate or chips, I just throw it away.. I know a lot of people think it's a wast of money, but I rather throw it away than eat it...

    Important! I'm not saying you have to starve yourself or can't eat candy anymore... But it's important to keep moderation.. I know that's hard when you have al kinds of candybars, chips and soda in the house.. Sometimes the cravings are winning..

    Enjoy your day! ~Judith


    zaterdag 12 oktober 2013

    Emotional eating..

    Without stress there wouldn't be so much obese people... Specially woman would drop a lot of weight if there wouldn't be any stress... But there is, so we need to deal with it..
    You know the feeling that you're having a bad day.. Or you're just moody and want to eat? No!!! Not healthy food, but al kinds of junk!!! Well I know that feeling! I'm a real emotional eater and I really struggle to control it... I know a lot of woman do and even man do it. It's important to control this, cause we don't need all that comfort food.. 
    Do you recognize any of these things:
    • Do you eat more when you’re feeling stressed?
    • Do you eat when you’re not hungry or when you’re full?
    • Do you eat to feel better (to calm and soothe yourself when you’re sad, mad, bored, anxious, etc.)?
    • Do you reward yourself with food?
    • Do you regularly eat until you’ve stuffed yourself?
    • Does food make you feel safe? Do you feel like food is a friend?
    • Do you feel powerless or out of control around food?
    Well.. than your are an emotional eater..
    But where's a problem there's always a fix!

    How can I Stop Emotional Eating?
    -Step One: Be Aware. 
    Much of emotional eating is so unconscious that it happens automatically or below your awareness. Before you jump into changing this behavior, keep a journal. Write down where and when you stress eat. The office? Late at night? When you are alone? Are there any patterns that you notice? Every time you eat, ask yourself how physically hungry you are on a scale from 1-10.  If you are a 6-10, it's likely that you are physically hungry. A 3, for example, would signify that you are stress eating.

    Step Two: Replace. 
    If you take out stress eating, you have to put something in its place.  Write down a concrete list of all the healthy, non-calorie related activities that give you a quick pick-me-up on a tough day. Here a few simple examples.
    • One-Minute Fix :  Sip black tea. A study in the journal of Psychopharmacologyfound that subjects who drank black tea experienced a 47% drop in their cortisol levels, the stress hormone that makes you crave food, compared to 27% among the subjects who drank a placebo.
    • One-Minute Fix: If a foot rub would hit the spot better than a snack, try self-message. It can be as simple as sitting down, taking off your shoe and placing your foot over a tennis ball. Rub your feet, one at a time, over the top of the ball until they feel relaxed and soothed. According to the study in the International Journal of Neuroscience , self-massage slows your heart rate and lowers your level of cortisol .
    • One-Minute Fix: Mindless eating soothes raw nerves by numbing out emotions. Munching gives you a moment to zone out from daily commotion and stress. Instead, actively choose a healthy way to clear your mind. Try a quick breathing exercise. Slowing down your breathing can trick your body into thinking you are going to sleep, which in turn relaxes your body. Close your eyes. Stare at the blackness of your eyelids. Slowly breathe in and out. Count each time you inhale and exhale. Continue until you get to 10. 
    Step Three: Practice! 
    There are many ways to calm yourself without calories, such as journaling, meditation techniques, connecting with others, self-message, distraction, guided imagery and ways to pamper your senses. Try out these techniques when you aren't craving food so you get them down pat before you really need them! You wouldn't want to learn how to swim in rough water. Nor do you want to learn the art of soothing yourself without food on a very stressful day. With practice, you can end emotional eating.

    donderdag 10 oktober 2013

    Chocolate peanut butter pancakes

    I think there's nothing better in the morning than pancakes!
    I live in Holland and I think nobody here eats pankcakes in the morning, only some fitness freaks like me I think :D Well we eat pancakes in the Netherlands, but they are way bigger and we use a lot of sugar on them..
    But I serve you some healthy pancakes this morning!

    What's in it:
    -20gr. whole wheat flour
    -1table spoon all natural peanut butter
    -1 scoop chocolate protein powder
    -1 egg
    -50ml. almond milk
    -72% cacao chocolate shavings
    -tea spoon olive oil
    -1 table spoon low fat quark
    -3 walnuts


    What to do?
    -Mix all of the things in a big bowl except the chocolate, quark and the olive oil. Mix it till it's a smooth texture..
    -Heat up a small pan and use the olive oil.
    -Make 3-4 small pancakes
    -Put the quark on top with the chocolate shavings and the walnuts



    woensdag 9 oktober 2013

    Low fat quark with chocolate and walnuts

    I know you'll gonna like this one!!

    You need:
    -250gr. Low fat quark
    -little bit of cinnamon
    -cupped hand walnuts
    -2gr. 72% chocolate shavings

    What to do?
    -Take your blenden and put 125gr. low fat quark in it with the cinnamon, chocolate shavings and almost all the walnuts except 3! Mix it all together untill its smooth
    -Take a glass and make layers of the mixed quark and the plain quark.... Put some chocolate shavings on top and 3 walnuts! And that's it!

    Enjoy this 362 kcal of clean eating heaven!



    Wednesday 09-10-2013

    Second day at the gym this week and I worked my ass off!

    Push ups: 4 sets, maximum reps
    Low cable crossover: 4 sets, 2x 10 reps 2x 8 reps

    Twisted curl: 4 sets, 2x 10 reps, 2x 8 reps
    Cable curl: 4 sets, 2x 10 reps, 2x 8 reps
    Barbell curl: 4 sets, 2x 10 reps, 2x 8 reps

    Ab rollout: 4 sets, max reps
    Bicycle crunch: 4 sets, max reps
    Side knee raise: 4 sets, max reps
    Incline sit up: 4 sets, max reps

    Cardio:(I hate cardio :D)
    Crosstrainer: 10 minutes interval
    Running: 12 minutes interval


    dinsdag 8 oktober 2013

    Dinner idea with sweet potato
    Sweet potato is one of my favorite foods! My bf hates it but I really don't understand why.. I just love it!! So here is a simple dinner recipe and I know almost for sure you're gonna love it :D
    -1 Sweet potato
    -1/2 Egg plant
    -1 ageric
    -10 gr. cottage cheese
    -1 Tomato
    -1/3 cucumber
    -Little bit chili powder
    -1 dinner spoon Olive oil
    -First warm up your oven on 180C. Mix 1 ts olive oil with some chili powder, cayenne pepper and sea salt. Cut your sweet potato in parts and mix them with the oil.
    You take out the middle part of the egg plant. Keep the outside of the eggplant and cut the inside in small parts and put it back in with the cottage cheese and some pepper. Put the agaric on top.
    -Put it all in a baking dish, the sweet potato parts and the egg plant, for 15-20 minutes.
    -Cut up the tomato and cucumber and put it on a plate.................................................... When the rest is done you can put that on the plate to :D
    Enjoy your dinner!!

    First blog

    Good evening!
    This is my first blog ever!! I hope you 'll enjoy my recipe and fitness posts...

    I loved fitness my whole life I think, but I just never did something with it.. I even quit working out when I didn't had money to pay the gym. I was a student... Going out with friends and other things were more important than saving money to pay my fitness membership. So I started to workout at home. I tried H.I.IT training at home and I liked it a lot, but workout out at home isnt as much fun as working out in a gym. To keep it fun I made up my own workouts and I searched the whole internet for exercises and fitness and food tips... I finished school and I found a job as a photographer for a webshop. After 2 years I made the best decision of my life wanted to become a fitness trainer..
    I went to school on Sunday's so my other job wouldn't know about it :D In July 2013 I finished school and now I'm working as a fitness trainer at the gym! I really love my job, there's so much to learn about our body and the way it moves..
