donderdag 20 februari 2014

Pancakes!! Perfect breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack :D (gezonde pancakes)

As some of you know I really LOVE pancakes!! This is the recipe I use most of the time!

What's in it:
30gr. spelt flour                           (30gr. speltbloem)
1 scoop vanilla whey protein      ( 1schep vanille whey)
1 egg white                                 (1 eiwit)
100-150ml almond milk              (100-150ml amandel melk)

What to do?
Just mix all of these ingredients and make 4-5 little pancakes.. Bake them in coconut oil

You can use a lot of things as topping, just be creative :D



zaterdag 8 februari 2014

Overnight oats with fruit

Just a simple and healthy breakfast!

What's in it?
-30 gr. oats
-150-200ml almond milk (depends if you use whey)
-1 scoop vanilla whey (optional
-coconut shavings
-raw cacao nibs

What to do?
Mix the oats, almond milk and the whey... Put it in the fridge and go to sleep :D
The next morning when you come out of bed you take the mix out of the fridge and top it with kiwi, raspberries, coconut and raw cacao nibs... Soooo easy!!

Wat gaat er in?
-30gr. havermout
-150-200ml amandel melk (hangt er vanaf of je whey gebruikt)
-1 schep vanilla whey (kan je er ook uit laten)
-rauwe cacao nibs.

Wat moet je doen?
Mix de havermout, melk en whey door elkaar... Zet het in de koelkast en ga naar bed.
Als je uit bed komt haal je de mix uit de koelkast en top je het met kiwi, framboos, kokos en cacao nibs... Heel makkelijk om te maken en is een echt powerontbijtje!



dinsdag 4 februari 2014

What I eat on a 'normal' day

A lot of people think I don't eat much, but that's not true!
I eat A LOT!!!! Really a LOT! Hahaha, eating is one of my favorite things in life..
There's a big difference in healthy calories and unhealthy calories.. It's very easy to eat a lot of kcal if you eat unhealthy food, but it's a lot harder to eat 2000 healthy calories!

2 years ago i prefered unhealthy foods most of the time.. But when I started exercising it changed a bit.. One year ago I started to eat clean, but not 100% I thought I was doing well, but I was still eating a lot of bad foods like 'healthy bars' (not healthy!! A lot of Sugar!!) It takes time to find out what's healthy and what kind healthy foods you like.. Now I'm used to it! I love fruit and veggies!! :D
But I still eat some unhealthy things, I'm just human!!

This is my monday food schedule:

-07:30 Breakfast!
          Pancakes with strawberrie jam ( recipe on my blog)
          361 cal

-10:00 Snack time!
            A slice of my healthy apple, cinnamon cake (recipe on my blog)
            144 cal

-12:00 Lunch time!
           120 gr. rice
           100. chicken
           150gr. brocolli
           320 cal

-14:00 Post workout
           1 scoop whey protein, 1 banana, 1/2 mango, almond milk (shake)
           +/- 300 cal

16:00 Snack time!
          2 rice crackers with cashew butter
          260 cal

17:30 Dinner!
          120 gr. rice
          120gr chicken
          150gr. veggies
          15gr. chili sauce
          400 cal

20:00 Evening snack
          Soy yoghurt with nuts and fruit
          200 cal

This is a total of 1985 calories.. This sounds like a lot, but I also workout a lot :D
On this day i did:
60 minutes heavy lifting
20 minutes H.I.I.T training
20 minute cycling

Want to aks me something, just do it :D


zondag 2 februari 2014

Apple cinnamon cake

It's baking Sunday again!!! Today I made a great snack for the rest of the week, apple cinnamon cake!

What's in it?
-40gr. coconut flour                                  (Kokos meel)
-100gr. almond flour                                (Amandel meel)
-2 scoops vanilla whey protein                (vanille whey)
-2 eggs                                                      (2 eieren)
-100gr. soy yoghurt                                  (100gr. soja yoghurt)
-40gr. bakpoeder                                      (40gr. bakpoeder)
-130ml. almond milk                                (130ml. amandel melk)
-2 tbsp stevia                                            (2 lepels stevia)
-1 apple                                                    (1 appel)
-25gr. raisins                                            (25gr. rozijnen)
-1 banana                                                 (1 banaan)
-1 tbsp olive oil                                        (1 lepel olijf olie)
-1tsp cinnamon                                        (1 theelepel kaneel)

What to do?
Prehead your oven at 175C.
Cut the apple in tiny pieces and mix them with the raisins and cinnamon. Mix all the other ingredients together in a bowl untill its a smooth texture. After that you mix the apple and raisins with the cake mix and put it in a baking tin. Let it bake for 30 minutes... Easy and so good!!!

Pink protein pancakes!

I am a real pancake lover!! I eat them almost every day for breakfast.. It just never get bored!
This week I made pink pancakes. They look and taste great and very easy to make!

What's in it?
-30gr. spelt flour
-1 scoop vanilla whey protein
-1 egg white
-80ml. almond milk
-1 tbsp beet juice
-5gr. coconut oil

-soy yoghurt
-coconut flakes

What to do?
Mix it all except the coconut oil. You let the coconut oil melt in a pan and after that you put the mix in it... You can make 4-5 pancakes with this mix! You put the soy yoghurt in between and on top with the raspberries!

What could be a better start of your day than pink pancakes???

