woensdag 30 oktober 2013

Workout 30-10-2013

It's alway's nice to share workouts :D
My workout for today:
Twisted biceps curl, 10 reps, 4 sets: 8kg
Barbell curl, 10 reps, 4 sets: 15kg
One arm cable curl, 10 reps 4 sets: 6 kg
Push ups: 4 sets max reps
Low cable crossover, 10 reps, 4 sets: 6,25kg
Chest press: 10 reps, 4 sets: 27,5kg
Machine crunch, 4 sets max reps: 45kg
Bicycle crunch, 4 sets max reps
Plank, 4 sets max hold
Incline sit up, 4 sets max reps
Cross trainer: 10 minutes interval training
Rowing: 1000m
Running: 10 minutes interval training
After my workout I made a nice smoothie... To build and heal the muscels.. Looks green and like poison but it taste really great!
Pear, vanilla protein, spinach and water!

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